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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2022

Where's Waldo? The Magnificent Mini Boxed Set (9780763648732)

A small, enticing, portable boxed set makes a gift-ready introduction to Waldo's adventures for the younger crowd. Finding Waldo is never easy. This diminutive collection of Waldo classics -- the first mini-editions in paperback -- would make the hunt downright maddening, were it not for the accompanying Waldo magnifier, official striped handle and all. Featured in this mesmerizing pursuit are five Waldo adventures: Where's Waldo? Where's Waldo Now? Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey Where's Waldo? The Wonder Book Where's Waldo? In Hollywood So grab the magnifying glass -- the super-hard search is on! Product details For ages 0-5 Format Hardback ...

The Color of Pixar (1452159203)

Bold and beautiful, this volume presents hundreds of film stills from the Pixar archives in a glorious spectrum of color. Starting with bright white images and seamlessly flowing through the colors of the rainbow, it becomes crystal clear how each frame tells a story. Bound into a gorgeous volume, The Color of Pixar encapsulates everything there is to love about the studio: the attention to detail, the playful characters, and the sheer scope of their work in over 20 years of iconic feature films. Copyright (c)2017 Disney Enterprises, Inc. and Pixar. All rights reserved. Product details Format Hardback | 352 pages Dimensions ...

Fujifilm X-E3 (3832802878)

Die Fujifilm X-E3 ist eine außergewöhnliche Systemkamera, die ambitionierten Fotografen und Kameraliebhabern großartige Aufnahmen ermöglicht. Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Besitzer einer X-E3, die die vielseitigen Möglichkeiten ihrer Kamera entdecken und besser nutzen möchten. Erschließen Sie, zusammen mit den erfahrenen Autoren, kreative Möglichkeiten, um wundervolle und einzigartige Fotos aufzunehmen. Durch die praxisnahe Darstellung der Inhalte im Buch wird dem Leser das erforderliche Wissen zur Kamera geboten, um typische wie anspruchsvolle Fotoszenarien erfolgreich zu meistern. Zahlreiche Tipps zu Zubehör, Objektiven und Software runden das Buch gelungen ab. Aus dem Inhalt: - Die Fuji X-E3 kennenlernen - Die drei Säulen der Kamerabedienung - Bilder aufnehmen und betrachten - Sofort starten mit dem Auto-Modus - Kreative Effekte mit den erweiterten Filtern - Aufnahme-Programme für jede Situation - Vier Wege zur guten Belichtung - Automatisch Motive scharf stellen - Beweg...

Die Strudlhofstiege (3742402293)

Wien, Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Im Mittelpunkt von Doderers Großstadtroman steht der Amtsrat und Major a.D. Melzer. Doch nicht nur sein Leben wird hier erzählt. Es sind die kleinen und großen Geschichten, die Dialoge und Reflexionen zahlreicher Akteure aus der Wiener Gesellschaft, die das Besondere dieses Romans ausmachen. Alle Fäden laufen zusammen an der Strudlhofstiege - hier streifen sich persönliche Schicksale, finden Begegnungen statt und gehen wieder auseinander. Vielschichtig, mit feinem Humor und kunstvoll konstruiert, entsteht mit Simonischeks Lesung ein funkelndes Kaleidoskop, das den Blick auf eine gesamte Epoche eröffnet. Ungekürzte Lesung mit Peter Simonischek 3 mp3-CDs | ca. 33 h 25 min Product details Format CD-Audio ...

The Roosevelt Women : A Portrait In Five Generations (9780465071340)

The Roosevelt name conjures up images of powerful Presidents and dashing men of high society. But few people know much about the extraordinary network of women that held the Roosevelt clan together through war, scandal, and disease. In The Roosevelt Women , Betty Boyd Caroli weaves together stories culled from a rich store of letters, memoirs, and interviews to chronicle nine extraordinary Roosevelt women across a century and a half of turbulent history.She examines the Roosevelt women as mothers, daughters, wives, and, beyond that, as world travellers, authors, campaigners, and socialites,in short, as themselves. She reveals how they demonstrated the energy and intellectual curiosity that defined their famous family, as well as the roles they played in the intrigues, scandals, and accomplishments that were hallmarks of the Roosevelt clan. From the much maligned Sara Delano (who sired Franklin and by turns terrified and supported Eleanor) to Theodore's irrepressible daughter, Alice...

Colorea y descubre el misterio (9788417586362)

Descubre en este sexto volumen de Grandes clásicos de Disney a los personajes de las obras maestras más importantes. Con la ayuda de los códigos de color, aplica cada tono en la zona correspondiente y descubre tus escenas favoritas de las películas de animación de Disney. ¿ ' Aladdín ' o ' Hércules ' ? ¿ ' Robin Hood ' o ' El libro de la selva ' ? ¿ ' La Bella y la Bestia ' o ' La Dama y el Vagabundo ' ? Encuéntralos entre las 100 preciosas ilustraciones que componen este libro. Relájate y vuelve a sentirte como un niño. Product details Format Book | 256 pages Dimensions ...

New York : Through a Fashion Eye (9781743791714)

New York: Through a Fashion Eye is an illustrated guide to one of the world's most-loved fashion cities by one of the world's most-loved fashion illustrators. Let Megan Hess take you on an adventure through New York, showing you the hottest places to eat, sleep and play - all illustrated in her inimitable, elegant style. Featuring fashion-themed restaurants, hotels and sites to visit, as well as Megan's favourite places to shop, this is a must-have insider's guide to New York for any fashion lover. Product details Format Hardback | 208 pages Dimensions 147 ...

Designing Data-Intensive Applications (1449373321)

Data is at the center of many challenges in system design today. Difficult issues need to be figured out, such as scalability, consistency, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability. In addition, we have an overwhelming variety of tools, including NoSQL datastores, stream or batch processors, and message brokers. What are the right choices for your application? How do you make sense of all these buzzwords? In this practical and comprehensive guide, author Martin Kleppmann helps you navigate this diverse landscape by examining the pros and cons of various technologies for processing and storing data. Software keeps changing, but the fundamental principles remain the same. With this book, software engineers and architects will learn how to apply those ideas in practice, and how to make full use of data in modern applications. Peer under the hood of the systems you already use, and learn how to use and operate them more effectively Make informed decisions by identifying the strengths ...